Jiangxi, China --> Detroit, Michigan
![Accessibility: [Image description: Light gray background with three photos of Sydney. Top left is her as a small baby and the other two of her today. The bottom left is a selfie of her in nature and the center is her with yellow tulips. Large yellow text says "Sydney." Small text below says "Jiangxi, China to Detroit, Michigan."]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/73d316_9b4d9bf5e3614d80904c78947b6aa1e9~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_980,h_980,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/73d316_9b4d9bf5e3614d80904c78947b6aa1e9~mv2.png)
Hi everyone! My name is Sydney. I'm from Yihuang County in the Jiangxi province of China and was adopted at 15 months old. I was found at an orphanage gate as an infant. I am currently located in the metro Detroit area of Michigan, and I am a full-time elementary teacher.
I was raised by a single, caucasian mom in a somewhat diverse area. She never adopted any more children, so it's just her and I. I grew up knowing about my adoption since I was little and it is something celebrated in my family; however, as I grew up and life got busier it's not the focus as much now. We used to be big into Chinese New Year and Gotcha Day and now it's much more minimal. I knew a few other adoptees growing up, but we haven't remained close.
"Recently, I've been wanting to dive deeper into my heritage and my culture."
Recently, I've been wanting to dive deeper into my heritage and my culture. It feels hard to start because few around me are Asian as well and I don't speak the language at all. I took a few classes as a kid but forgot everything by now. Recently, I've started untangling my past and my feelings around adoption, and it's been hard and complicated, to say the least. My goal is to find and lean into the adoptee community, learn more about who I am and where I'm from, and keep my heritage authentic and alive for my future family.
This fall, I will be teaching 2nd grade and planning a wedding as I am newly engaged! In my free time, I love running, cooking, reading, anything artsy, playing music, and hanging out with friends!