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What Adoptees Wish You Knew..., 2021 Year in Review our words

Originally published November 9, 2021.


Slide descriptions:

Slide one:

White background with dusty pink square box. Large gray text reads: "What adoptees wish you knew." There are two white lines for decoration above and below the text.

Slide two:

White background with light gray square box. Gray text reads: "Everyone's story is different, and everyone has a different relationship with their trauma." There are two white lines for decoration above and below the text.

Slide three:

White background with light pink square box. Gray text reads: "That while I love my adoptive parents, I sometimes wonder what my life would have been like with my birth family." There are two white lines for decoration above and below the text.

Slide four:

White background with light gray square box. Gray text reads: "Family tree and ancestry-related assignments in school can be awkward for us." There are two white lines for decoration above and below the text.

Slide five:

White background with light pink square box. Gray text reads: "It's rude to refer to my birth parents as my 'real parents.'" There are two white lines for decoration above and below the text.

Slide six:

White background with light gray square box. Gray text reads: "It's also hard and not only something to be thankful for." There are two white lines for decoration above and below the text.

Slide seven:

White background with light pink square box. Gray text reads: "It's not easy going to an all-white school with kids constantly making comments about you." There are two white lines for decoration above and below the text.

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