(Info on slider and in image descriptions)
Originally published May 5, 2021.
Slide descriptions
Slide 1:
Gray background with pink and tan flowers. White box with text inside the reads: “Unpacking Imposter Syndrome in Adoptees.”
Slide 2:
Pink background, gray and tan flowers. White box with headline “Imposter Syndrome.” Text below: A psychological pattern where an individual doubts their accomplishments and has an internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud." Despite external evidence of their competence, they're convinced they are frauds and do not deserve what they've achieved. Their success is attributed to luck to luck.
Slide 3:
Pink background, gray and tan flowers. White box with text “In adoptees, imposter syndrome could include conflict between cultural identities, which is more common in transnational adoptees. Adoptees sometimes have expressed feelings of needing to belong or be loved.”
Slide 4:
Pink background, gray and tan flowers. White box with text “Imposter Syndrome is linked to confidence. The more people look or sound like you, the more confident you'll feel. This subsequently can affect adoptees for these reasons.”
Slide 5:
Pink background, gray and tan flowers. White box with headline “Tips.” Text below: Separate feelings from facts: just because you might think these things doesn't make them true. Take note of accomplishments: in moments you feel less-than, it can be helpful to have a tangible reminder of successes.”