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Key words in the adoption community, 2022 year in review

Transracial adoptee, international adoptee and more


Slider text

Slide one: Key words in the adoption community.

Transracial adoptee, international adoptee and more

Slide two: Adoptee

The person who was adopted. Some people use "adoptee" as a way of identifying.

Slide three: Adopted

This can be used to describe the person who was adopted. It emphasizes the action of adoption. Some people also use it as an identifier.

Slide four: Transracial adoptee

A person who was adopted into a family that identifies as a different race than themselves.

Slide five: International adoptee

A person who was adopted into another country than the one where they were born. Someone can be both a transracial adoptee, international adoptee, both or neither.

Slide six: Transcontinental adoptee

A person who was adopted into another continent than the one where they were born.

Slide seven: Person first vs. Identity first

Person first: Téa, who is a transracial adoptee, was born in China.

Identity first: Transracial adoptee, Téa, was born in China.

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