Every November is National Adoption Awareness Month and is a month dedicated to sharing and uplifting adoptees' voices and experiences. Visit the submission form or message @girls.adoption.connect on Instagram to share your story.
I'm proud to be an adoptee because ...
Responses from the adoptee community
Originally published on Nov. 1.
Slide text
Slide one: Happy National Adoption Awareness Month! A month to uplift adoptees’ experiences and educate about adoption.
I’m proud to be an adoptee because...
Responses from the adoptee community.
Slide two: I’m proud to be an adoptee because...
I’m grateful for my unique story and who I have become as a result of my adoption.
I’ve learned that, despite everything, I can still craft an amazing life.
I’ve learned to take time and be patient about learning who I am and how family fits into my life.
Slide three: I’m proud to be an adoptee because...
I believe it’s given me a greater sense of empathy for others who have gone through trauma.
I’ve been able to use the love given to me to help others too.
I can share my story and raise awareness for non-traditional families.
Slide four: I’m proud to be an adoptee because...
It’s given me a supportive community of adoptees and the opportunity to raise awareness for adoptees’ experiences.
I feel like I have a special thing about me to make me proud to be myself.
My loved ones are beautiful people, and I feel inspired by those around me.
Slide five: I’m proud to be an adoptee because...
I’ve learned to embrace the uniqueness and beauty in my story.
I have the ability to learn about and be part of both my family’s culture and my own.
It’s taught me that I can overcome hard things and be okay.