Foshan, Guangdong --> Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Hello! My name is Monica Glennon. I am 19 years old and am a Junior at Coastal Carolina University. My major is Early Childhood Education, and I plan to pursue a Bachelors in Early Childhood Education and my Masters in Special Education. I am originally from Upstate NY, but currently I live full time in Myrtle Beach South Carolina.
I was born in Foshan City, Guangdong Province. I was adopted in 2004 by my wonderful single mother. Growing up was hard mostly because I was trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted to be in the future. I always knew that I was adopted and I took that in stride because it’s an important part of my life. My mother was so open and supportive in every question I had about my adoption. When people get to know me I always tell them that I am an Asian American adoptee.
"I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t adopted. I wouldn’t have met my mother. I wouldn’t have done anything that made me who I am today."
Why? Because I’m proud. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t adopted. I wouldn’t have met my mother. I wouldn’t have done anything that made me who I am today. I know my biological family gave me up, but they helped me find my family: my mother and my two sisters. I know I can’t fit into everything, but I do know who I am and what I want to do. I am a proud Asian American adoptee who had some challenges in their life, but overcame them. I know there will be more, but I’m glad to have my experiences shape my present and future.
ID: White background with light pink and blue circles in the corners. Large circular photo of Monica in her car and looking at the camera. Smaller photo to the lower right of Monica posting with someone next to her.