Hunan, China --> Sweden

Hi everyone! My name is Anna, and I am a second-year student at the University of St. Andrews. I study biology, and in my free time I like to dance and hang with friends. I was adopted when I was 11 months old from Hunan. China and grew up in Sweden. My family consists of my mom, dad and sister who is also adopted from China. My parents were a part of an adoption parents group, meaning all the parents in that group were going to adopt from the same orphanage at the same time.
Every year we used to have an adoption meet-up with all the parents and their children, which helped me feel like I was not alone, and that I was not the only person who was adopted, even though I felt that at times. During my childhood, I also felt different because I was one of few BAME students in my school.
"Every year we used to have an adoption meet-up with all the parents and their children, which helped me feel like I was not alone, and that I was not the only person who was adopted, even though I felt that at times."
However, when I entered high school, in a much more diverse class, I started to accept my differences and started learning more about China and its culture. I also began to embrace that I was adopted, and, with a friend, I started an Instagram, @voicesofadoption_, to allow adoptees to share their experiences and support each other. I believe it is important for adoptees to talk to each other to feel they are not alone in what they are experiencing but also to support each other on their own journey!